Hello there! Yes, it has been a while! I have been super busy painting, and loading up my new site here. In addition, I got to take a journey to Colorado Springs to visit my sister, which a serendipity allowed, I was able to personally delivery a painting to new collectors, Brianna and Scott.

Amazingly, this was right after a blizzard that happened the day after I arrived. What a lovely trip, and I am very inspired for new works expressing my connecting experiences of Colorado!
Although this original has her home, I am offering limited prints here on my online shop, from $15 to $100. Please embrace your unique version of One Feather to greet you and remind you to not take life so seriously. Chill out!
With nature’s love and wisdom, Pam
LINK to One Feather Prints! https://pamelahoke.com/index.php/product/onefeather-prints/

I am a painter, writer and educator advocating for our human right to have a healthy relationship with nature and our natural creativity. Everything I do aligns with this passion, period.