After a few panic attacks the past few weeks, I realized that the holidays really are the time to be sensitive. And yes, that is a GOOD thing! I am fine now. I took “pause” with nature and back to my brushes.
I learned through a some hectic holiday events I was involved in, where I was told to grow a thicker skin. Ummm, no thank you. I know very well from many, many years of experience in my corporate life, that when I grow a thick, crusty skin, my sensitive, sensory art, and feelings become numb. I also tend to create a wall that stops me from being open…open minded, and open hearted. I came to this island to be more sensory aware, so I could grow through nature therapy and creating art, and vow to continue in my journey in my own natural self discovery, and learn balance.

I recently read where a therapist on a TedTalk basically stated it this way: “My clients ask me how to not feel things so deeply. So, I say to them, oh, so you want to be a dead person?”
Yes, part of living is FEELING. Period. This reminds us that we are alive. Be sensitive to our surroundings and what others are doing and saying is part of our life experience, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with allowing our inner softness to have feelings. Our world has conditioned us to put a hard exterior out there to “protect” us. From what? Feelings? I have great news, feeling our feelings will not kill us…but, NOT feeling them, or expressing them in a healthy way, in a safe space, WILL. This, my friends, is part of the beautiful part of our human experience. We are alive.
Ok, so we can learn to balance and moderate our reactions, for sure. I take a deep breath, I try to hit my “pause” button. (Most of you know that I actually had one tattooed to my arm, and yes, generally it does work when I remember to use it). So, I say, FEEL! Be alive! Let’s celebrate our life through exploring our natural, sensitive side by showing love, expressing our joy!

Here I am in the beginning phases of Peony a la Mauve…I relate the beginnings of art similar to how we navigate difficult feelings, etc. Just like creating art, feeling our feelings is like diving into an unknown abyss. It can be scary, yet the rewards are so amazing.
To me, this is truly what the holiday season is all about. The celebration of life, living fully by feeling fully. Even with difficult family or hectic situations, we can pause, breathe, and say….oh yes, thank you, Life, that’s right, I am alive.
So, please, consider celebrating our humanness, our sensitivity with myself and my artist friends at Friday Harbor Atelier, our 2nd Annual Christmas Party this Thursday night. We worked with San Juan Museum of Art to create a double art evening, so our community can go to the SJIMA Artist’s Registry Opening, then head on over to the Atelier to share in art love, snacks and beverages. More information about the lovely art kinship we have created here can be found on our Facebook page:
If I do not have the privilege of seeing you at this event, or within the next two weeks, may you have a joyful, healthy holiday season, full of all your feelings, and sensitivities. I am so glad we share this moment and time on this planet, to embrace that we all share this – as we all know right now, we could all use some sensitivity and softness to melt any crusty walls away. Plus, we might be able to find some unique ways to show love to those on our gift list!
Love, pH
I will have my latest canvas print products – of which I am thrilled are already bringing joy to others from last week’s Holiday Market. Thank you!

I hope you will check out my sensory aware nature artworks now in affordable gift print sizes. For a limited time only.
Adorable Desk or small nook size, 5×7, 8×8 size, and samples of other custom sizes, that I hand embellished to make them unique, are available.

I am a painter, writer and educator advocating for our human right to have a healthy relationship with nature and our natural creativity. Everything I do aligns with this passion, period.