Monday’s Mood, October 12th, 2020

Painting on Stuart Island, Washington

Monday’s Mood, re-emerges!

Firstly…Where have I been?  Well, like most of us, adapting.

Yes, I have been adapting to new life in several ways, yet busy. I am not talking just about the pandemic, yet several other epic life changes.  All seem to be moving towards a very positive direction, however.  I am painting more than I ever have.  To me, it seems like I am witnessing a metamorphosis of humanity all around me, which has presented a unique inspiration within myself.

The most interesting of shifts I have been graced with is a phenomenal summer on a new island, even more remote than the one I have lived on for nearly 8 years.  I have friends like a new family here, and I found myself immersed in a new wonderland here.  A wonderland of serenity, abundance of natural experiences and, the space to create to my heart’s desire without the distractions of modern day living.  My relationship with nature and my art process reached new depths through which I finally found myself in a place to share to the best of my ability how it feels – through my new Stuart Island series. 

Even the new fall rainy days create a calm that has no words.  I look forward to exploring the new natural wonders…the essence of peace and the heart of what life feels like in the Pacific Northwest.  A true blessing to live here amidst these challenging times for all.

I do hope you enjoy the re-emergence of not only Monday’s Mood, yet the adaptation of artwork during a time of human adaptation – changes that we must face, changes that we didn’t see coming, yet are here.  I wish you all the inspiration and courage to face this new frontier, and that you stay well as we all discover new ways to grow from all of this.

As always, in Nature’s Love and Wisdom,  pH

“Gliding…Great Blue Heron of Stuart Island”

Stuart Island Painting Series

She glides along the water every morning and early evening.  As I sit upon the incredible deck on this incredible unexpected sanctuary from a world facing unique challenges this year, this graceful Great Blue Heron delivers a potent message amidst these times of unexpected increasing levels of uncertainty…


So can we just glide through this? We can if we make up our minds to. It doesn’t have to mean we don’t care, it can purely mean we are in the solution, which is handling what we can within ourselves. Just accept what is and just do today.  Stay in the moment.  Pull all resilience and strength up to the forefront.  Acknowledge the anxieties and fears rather than suppressing them, however, not allow them to rob our moments that we get to exist here on this amazing planet. 

How do we glide through uncertain times?  We can learn from Nature. Here, we can learn from the Heron and sense a deep relationship with this wise bird.  We can learn to feel and rely on a tangible life force – some would call it faith, yet perhaps we can indulge in a new open mindedness, that it is a force that we don’t have to fully understand, yet at least grasp comfort in all of life support life,.  Are we really capable as humans to keep things this simple, or stay in the complexities and drive ourselves insane?  I would think we get to meander in our self-created stories, and the pure forces of the natural world…both worlds, which, is purely the gift of being part of the human species.

Learning from this sacred bird on this sacred island is a special gift.  And the painting itself, once I let go and allowed myself to glide through it, it emerged so smoothly.  If only I could go through life that way all the time.  Sigh, just part of our human dilemma, or, perhaps, just the lesson during our time here on Earth.  Who knows? 

The Great Blue Heron has been embraced for its longevity; its prehistoric essence is an instant reminder that Nature has been here much longer that we have and knows so much more than we do. Nature self-regulates and creatively adapts.  Nature sees itself as part of the whole, and participates accordingly.  Lately, I haven’t seen much of that within our modern humanity.  Maybe this is an opportunity to embark on a new frontier?  Maybe the next lesson to our species?  Time will tell how many of us adapt.  The heron stands for so much, in so many cultures.  Native American cultures recognize the Heron as a symbol of self-determination and self-reliance – the ability to progress and EVOLVE, with patience.  Christianity embraces the Heron as a symbol of a long life, good luck and the beauty of stillness as it patiently waits for its meal to come closer.   Chinese cultures sense the Heron as a path to spiritual progress and prosperity.  Egyptians acknowledge the Heron as a symbol of prosperity and patience – learning to observe and think before acting. The Celts embrace he Heron as an example of longevity and persistence.  Other wonderful associations of the Heron involve autonomy, stability, tenacity, stamina, resourcefulness, and most importantly, the ability to flow with the energy around us without struggling with Nature…yet rather cooperate with it, and others.

I have chosen to take this pandemic period as a learning experience.  Learn the strength and courage I have always had within.  Learning the creative adaptability that we all innately have within us.  Learning more compassion yet knowing when detachment is vital.  The freedoms that emerge from acceptance, contentment, persistence and confidence is priceless.  We can learn to appreciate what we have and embrace the strengths and deep creativity that has been just simmering under the surface.  Awareness of new possibilities.  This is time, with the extra space to explore new depths.  Discovery of oneself is quite the endeavor, and what a more opportune time than now to dive in and see.

I see the heron gliding along so smoothly, with determination and oh so gracefully as her wings are just above the surface of the deep blue hues of the pacific bay I get to share with her.  She is undistracted, allowing very little to disturb him as he goes about the tasks of the day. 

What if we all embraced our ability to just do today?  To embrace the beauty in the simple, and find contentment trusting we are exactly where we need to be at this moment?   This presents so much strength and peace.

Welcome back to Monday’s Mood!  I do hope you will allow this special weekly post to become a part of your life, with the hopes that it just may add hope, encouragement, and add some new ideas as we endeavor into the great adventure of being human.

As always, in Nature’s Creative Intelligence and Love, pH

Gliding Great Blue Heron Original on Wall Post